रविवार, 15 अप्रैल 2007

what is kavach

there are two types of kavach one is mantra kavach for example shiri durga kavach etc other is yantra kavach . let us discuss about yantra kavach . now days yantra kavach are made of gold , silver , iron , brass , copper or other alloys . kavach are also made on special paper like bhoj patar with specially prepaid ink on very very special auspicious accacision we prepaid these kavach on very special mahurat , occacision , with very specialvedic technique , in a pure relegious atmosphere with chanting of very special and very accurate mantra using very special mala , strings for the different kavach chanting scientifically prepaid mantra by learned scholors sitting on very special assans in a very very special posture , place , and dress code
So prepared specially powerfull kavach can fulfill all needs and desirs . as the past experience says that such specially prepaid kavach had cure serious deseases like canser etc due to planetnary weekness affilictions of the birth chart
these kavach are being used for improving the strenth of week plents , these can also reduce or eradicate the effect of sad satti , kal sarp yog , manglik dosh or other dosh of the birth charts these kavach can fulfill all your wishes such as that of wealth , health , promotion , winning a cart case , defeat of enmies and vashi karan of famly members or your clint , coustomers or even your siniors or juniors

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