Kitchen is most important part of the house . Because most of the time a house wife is , in the kitchen . Most important facters that makes a kitchen more useful are , gas stove , gas cylinder , exhaust fan, sink , water connections , utensil cupboard and other necessary articles . There are many questions which are generally asked about a kitchen such as :-
Location of kitchen
Ideal location for kitchen is east - south corner . Science behind is, sunrises in east , second east south corner is dominated by fire element . So if kitchen is in east - south corner then the injurious bacterias will effect least in this corner .
Sink should be in north east . If there is a sink in south , It will lead to quarrels and disputes Water storage should be in north - east corner .
Gas and gas stove
It should be in the eastern wall of the house but if by mistake or otherwise , any one is cooking on north wall of the house, it will lead to financial loss and bankrupscy . Similarly if in a house cooking is done in south there cannot be peace . it will lead to daily quarrels and infighting .
Utensil rack
Ideal location for utensil rack is South or west wall of the kitchen