Location for bedroom
Bedroom is the rest room , which relieves the resident of full day fatigue and tensions . But it has come to my experience that in spite of all the comforts and luxury in the bedroom , one can not find peace or relaxation only if the bedroom is located in wrong direction .
Bedroom for seniors
Master bed room should always be in south-west . All the members can take deep sleep , only by sleeping in a posture so that head is in south and feet towards north or head in east or west . But one should never sleep in north - south .
Bedroom for young girl
A south east corner is best location for the bed room of a young girl .
Bedroom for a young boy
East and east-north direction are more suitable for the bed room for a young boy , children should always sleep with head towards west and feet in the east .
Posture for the couple
Couple should sleep in such a way that the lady partner always in the left side of the male ,that is wife in south-east and husband in south west . There should be no beam or any hanging over the bed of any one .
Guest bedroom
If guest are accommodated in north west of the house , they will fell quite comfortable and cheerful but will not stay for a long time with you .
Telephone and television in bedroom
South east corner is the ideal place for the telephone and television in the house .
South very good will give sound sleep.wealth &prosperity are additional gains.
East equally good increase in talent &academic proficiency of children,can give prosperity too.
South-East good sleep will be sound ,wealth will increase.
South -West good enjoy good family life and good sleep
West good Aged people enjoy mental Peace in this position.
North normal to avoid mental tension change to more favorable South or West.
North -east not good lack of sleep and other problems
North-West not good restless night will be gifted.