Astrology –Herbs remedy of malefic planets
Herbs can be used for the better health or cure of diseases ,it is well known truth known to the universe since time immorial.But , there a few who know that herbs can modify the effect of panets. I am trying to unfold the truth ,known only to the saints –specialists and tantric only,in this articleso that all can get benefits of this wonderful science and enjoy a good future .I came to know this secret from very experiences Yogi of great repute long ago. I with practical experience of 30 years I can confirm that one can potentiate the good effect if a particular planet or planers by using a special set of herbs.
How to select a right herb?
It is very easy ,very effective but one must learn the technique deeply .He or she must have some basic knowledge of astrology also .Now let us try to find the ways and means to know the art Minimum requirement is that:-
1.Lagan or rising ascendant of the person.
2.Position of ruling lord of 6th ,11th house .
3.Moon sign-sun sign of the person.
If you have little or no knowledge of astrology .please send me your time of birthplace of birth, and date of birth along with your popular name and nick name . I will calculate for you the exact herb or combination of herbs for the remedy of a particular planet. I will also dispatch you the herbs in purest form at your door step Total cost for the package is only 300/ including postage and packing expenses anywhere in India..
Email – or jyotshiPadam Kumar 5235 Malvia Nagar st no 1 BHATINDA 151991 [PB] India
Herb selection defined
Herb for Sun-black pepper, dryginger,long pepper,cardoman,canenne,saffron,bayberry,etc.
Herbs for moon-white musle,shatavery, marshmallow,sleppeery,elm,lily,lotus etc,
Herb for Mars-ginsing,ashawgandha,guaggul,turmeric,garlic , onion,myrrh etc,
Herbs for Murcury-bharingraj.jatamassi,gutukala,skullcap,betony,mint;holy basil etc
Herbs for jupitor-ashawgandha,bala astralages,ginsing,almond,walnut,cashew,seasom oil etc.
Herbs for Venus-safforn,rose,ginsing,lotus,lily,shatavary,white musli,aloe gel,danggui,red resphery,amalabe etc.
Hrrbs for Satrun-shilajit,hailaki,triphalla,ashawgandha,guggul,junipher etc,
Herbs for Rahu-compher,eacalyptuse,sage,sandalwood,lotus flower ets.
Herbs for Ketu-bharingraj,gotukala,juniphar,wild ginger,sage,calamus passionflower,camphor etc.
We had made all the arrangements to dispatch any of these herbs to any one any where in India.
NOTE- The effect will start within a few days but the results will be for a very long time. So if interested send the required without delay and feel the difference, .I will also request the users and experienced to exchange the experience your documentation will help us and others too for further research.
रविवार, 16 मार्च 2008
Astrology –Herbs remedy of malefic planets
Astrology –Herbs remedy of malefic planets
Herbs can be used for the better health or cure of diseases ,it is well known truth known to the universe since time immorial.But , there a few who know that herbs can modify the effect of panets. I am trying to unfold the truth ,known only to the saints –specialists and tantric only,in this articleso that all can get benefits of this wonderful science and enjoy a good future .I came to know this secret from very experiences Yogi of great repute long ago. I with practical experience of 30 years I can confirm that one can potentiate the good effect if a particular planet or planers by using a special set of herbs.
How to select a right herb?
It is very easy ,very effective but one must learn the technique deeply .He or she must have some basic knowledge of astrology also .Now let us try to find the ways and means to know the art Minimum requirement is that:-
1.Lagan or rising ascendant of the person.
2.Position of ruling lord of 6th ,11th house .
3.Moon sign-sun sign of the person.
If you have little or no knowledge of astrology .please send me your time of birthplace of birth, and date of birth along with your popular name and nick name . I will calculate for you the exact herb or combination of herbs for the remedy of a particular planet. I will also dispatch you the herbs in purest form at your door step Total cost for the package is only 300/ including postage and packing expenses anywhere in India..
Email – or jyotshiPadam Kumar 5235 Malvia Nagar st no 1 BHATINDA 151991 [PB] India
Herb selection defined
Herb for Sun-black pepper, dryginger,long pepper,cardoman,canenne,saffron,bayberry,etc.
Herbs for moon-white musle,shatavery, marshmallow,sleppeery,elm,lily,lotus etc,
Herb for Mars-ginsing,ashawgandha,guaggul,turmeric,garlic , onion,myrrh etc,
Herbs for Murcury-bharingraj.jatamassi,gutukala,skullcap,betony,mint;holy basil etc
Herbs for jupitor-ashawgandha,bala astralages,ginsing,almond,walnut,cashew,seasom oil etc.
Herbs for Venus-safforn,rose,ginsing,lotus,lily,shatavary,white musli,aloe gel,danggui,red resphery,amalabe etc.
Hrrbs for Satrun-shilajit,hailaki,triphalla,ashawgandha,guggul,junipher etc,
Herbs for Rahu-compher,eacalyptuse,sage,sandalwood,lotus flower ets.
Herbs for Ketu-bharingraj,gotukala,juniphar,wild ginger,sage,calamus passionflower,camphor etc.
We had made all the arrangements to dispatch any of these herbs to any one any where in India.
NOTE- The effect will start within a few days but the results will be for a very long time. So if interested send the required without delay and feel the difference, .I will also request the users and experienced to exchange the experience your documentation will help us and others too for further research.
Herbs can be used for the better health or cure of diseases ,it is well known truth known to the universe since time immorial.But , there a few who know that herbs can modify the effect of panets. I am trying to unfold the truth ,known only to the saints –specialists and tantric only,in this articleso that all can get benefits of this wonderful science and enjoy a good future .I came to know this secret from very experiences Yogi of great repute long ago. I with practical experience of 30 years I can confirm that one can potentiate the good effect if a particular planet or planers by using a special set of herbs.
How to select a right herb?
It is very easy ,very effective but one must learn the technique deeply .He or she must have some basic knowledge of astrology also .Now let us try to find the ways and means to know the art Minimum requirement is that:-
1.Lagan or rising ascendant of the person.
2.Position of ruling lord of 6th ,11th house .
3.Moon sign-sun sign of the person.
If you have little or no knowledge of astrology .please send me your time of birthplace of birth, and date of birth along with your popular name and nick name . I will calculate for you the exact herb or combination of herbs for the remedy of a particular planet. I will also dispatch you the herbs in purest form at your door step Total cost for the package is only 300/ including postage and packing expenses anywhere in India..
Email – or jyotshiPadam Kumar 5235 Malvia Nagar st no 1 BHATINDA 151991 [PB] India
Herb selection defined
Herb for Sun-black pepper, dryginger,long pepper,cardoman,canenne,saffron,bayberry,etc.
Herbs for moon-white musle,shatavery, marshmallow,sleppeery,elm,lily,lotus etc,
Herb for Mars-ginsing,ashawgandha,guaggul,turmeric,garlic , onion,myrrh etc,
Herbs for Murcury-bharingraj.jatamassi,gutukala,skullcap,betony,mint;holy basil etc
Herbs for jupitor-ashawgandha,bala astralages,ginsing,almond,walnut,cashew,seasom oil etc.
Herbs for Venus-safforn,rose,ginsing,lotus,lily,shatavary,white musli,aloe gel,danggui,red resphery,amalabe etc.
Hrrbs for Satrun-shilajit,hailaki,triphalla,ashawgandha,guggul,junipher etc,
Herbs for Rahu-compher,eacalyptuse,sage,sandalwood,lotus flower ets.
Herbs for Ketu-bharingraj,gotukala,juniphar,wild ginger,sage,calamus passionflower,camphor etc.
We had made all the arrangements to dispatch any of these herbs to any one any where in India.
NOTE- The effect will start within a few days but the results will be for a very long time. So if interested send the required without delay and feel the difference, .I will also request the users and experienced to exchange the experience your documentation will help us and others too for further research.
शनिवार, 15 मार्च 2008
Bagulamukhi yantar victory over enmies in your hand now
Bagula mukhi yantar is done in a speciale lagn -mahutar.
We in India are blessed with many a wonderfull magical powers. One among them is power of YANTARS Bagulamukhi is very-very special yantar being used since time long ago to dominate the enmies easy victory in law suites,sucess in all types of quarrelsand sucess in all the compititions. As our rishis told we havw studied thatAllmighty Goddess Bgulamukhiis controller of this magical and wonderfull power .
The worship and sidhi of this yantar is performedin a particular time lagan,mahurat, wearing yellow dress,on yellow asana,with yellow flowers,and haldi mallaTo make yantar more powerfull dhaturaa flowers ras is speceially used.The Bagulamukhi yantar is is very sucessfull in gambling alsoIt also offer protection for cuts,scars,operetions and accidentsThe yantat is pereparred on bhoj patar,golden covered cupperIt is well tested that after pran partisgtha if the yantara if the yantara is carried to court room the victory over oposite paty is easy and sure,if yantar is placed in pooja sthal on a wooden or silver chowki with yellow cloth spread over it a pooja is done with the beej mantar:
om hareenm bagulamukhi mum sarvshatunam vacham-mukham-padam stambhaye jihva kilay budhi vinashae hareenm om swaha.
Special instructions
All the yantars are an instrument or mystical diagram or a technique or path [simplest and shortest]to attain one'sdesire,and get wishes fullfilled As said by ancient saints and tantar gurus it is bilieved that the diety or the power of the diety resides in the yantar in fullest strength depending upon the right method or puja done by the the sidh at the time of sidhi
It is also found that one can sucessfully appease the diety or remove the ill effect of malefic planets and increase the positive effect of the planets by worship of this all power full yantar and mantar.
procedures must to be followed by you while placing the yantar [fully charged with manter energy]in your pooja room:
1. Purify your body ,concentrate a while for fullest benifit with positive mind frame.
2.Find a place in the north east corner of your house or place,where you are not disturbed for some time.
3.Light a jot or diya ,numer of jot or diya does not matter ,also some nice agarbattidhoop etc.
4. Now open the yantar, place it on yellow asan or cloth along with the image of your ist or kul dev or kul devii ,put fresh yellow flower on the asan place the yantar [,lay fresh fruits also].
5.Take some water with a leaf of any tree or flower or pan patta,sprinkle the water on yourself and the yantar
6.Now surrender completly to the GOD and chant atleast 21 times the following mantar in low voice :
7. After that now sit in complete surrender with your eyes closed lightly,have very-very strong sankalp that the maa Bagulamukhi is bellessing you with success in your aims and objective .Keep on asking the almighty to grant fulfilment of the desire you are having in mind your own language,in your own style without any ritual as if you are talking and asking something from your own mother .
Mind that we are having all the arrangment to supply you fully energised [pran-partishtha]yantar of MAA BAGULAMUKHIIthe price are as bellow:
Bagulamukhi yantar in cupper [golden covering]-------501/
Bagulamukhi yantar in golden chain-------------501/
Bagulamukhi yantar with eleven mukhi Rudraksh----------1101/
Postage and packing free in India only but
other charges extra for other countries.
We in India are blessed with many a wonderfull magical powers. One among them is power of YANTARS Bagulamukhi is very-very special yantar being used since time long ago to dominate the enmies easy victory in law suites,sucess in all types of quarrelsand sucess in all the compititions. As our rishis told we havw studied thatAllmighty Goddess Bgulamukhiis controller of this magical and wonderfull power .
The worship and sidhi of this yantar is performedin a particular time lagan,mahurat, wearing yellow dress,on yellow asana,with yellow flowers,and haldi mallaTo make yantar more powerfull dhaturaa flowers ras is speceially used.The Bagulamukhi yantar is is very sucessfull in gambling alsoIt also offer protection for cuts,scars,operetions and accidentsThe yantat is pereparred on bhoj patar,golden covered cupperIt is well tested that after pran partisgtha if the yantara if the yantara is carried to court room the victory over oposite paty is easy and sure,if yantar is placed in pooja sthal on a wooden or silver chowki with yellow cloth spread over it a pooja is done with the beej mantar:
om hareenm bagulamukhi mum sarvshatunam vacham-mukham-padam stambhaye jihva kilay budhi vinashae hareenm om swaha.
Special instructions
All the yantars are an instrument or mystical diagram or a technique or path [simplest and shortest]to attain one'sdesire,and get wishes fullfilled As said by ancient saints and tantar gurus it is bilieved that the diety or the power of the diety resides in the yantar in fullest strength depending upon the right method or puja done by the the sidh at the time of sidhi
It is also found that one can sucessfully appease the diety or remove the ill effect of malefic planets and increase the positive effect of the planets by worship of this all power full yantar and mantar.
procedures must to be followed by you while placing the yantar [fully charged with manter energy]in your pooja room:
1. Purify your body ,concentrate a while for fullest benifit with positive mind frame.
2.Find a place in the north east corner of your house or place,where you are not disturbed for some time.
3.Light a jot or diya ,numer of jot or diya does not matter ,also some nice agarbattidhoop etc.
4. Now open the yantar, place it on yellow asan or cloth along with the image of your ist or kul dev or kul devii ,put fresh yellow flower on the asan place the yantar [,lay fresh fruits also].
5.Take some water with a leaf of any tree or flower or pan patta,sprinkle the water on yourself and the yantar
6.Now surrender completly to the GOD and chant atleast 21 times the following mantar in low voice :
7. After that now sit in complete surrender with your eyes closed lightly,have very-very strong sankalp that the maa Bagulamukhi is bellessing you with success in your aims and objective .Keep on asking the almighty to grant fulfilment of the desire you are having in mind your own language,in your own style without any ritual as if you are talking and asking something from your own mother .
Mind that we are having all the arrangment to supply you fully energised [pran-partishtha]yantar of MAA BAGULAMUKHIIthe price are as bellow:
Bagulamukhi yantar in cupper [golden covering]-------501/
Bagulamukhi yantar in golden chain-------------501/
Bagulamukhi yantar with eleven mukhi Rudraksh----------1101/
Postage and packing free in India only but
other charges extra for other countries.
बुधवार, 12 मार्च 2008
मंगलवार, 11 मार्च 2008

अखिल भारतीय ज्योतिष सम्मेलन
[ Aatamdarshan Educational Society regd. ]
5235 मालवीय नगर -1बठिंडा 151001पंजाब
पंजीकरण प्रपत्र
स्थाई पता ----------------------------------------
फोन न -----------------------------------------------
मोबाईल न -------------------------------------------------
ज्योतिष के क्षेत्र में कितने वर्षो से कार्य ---------------------------------
मैं घोषणा करता हूँ ,मैं सम्मेलन के सभी नियमोका पालन करूंगा/ करूंगी।
धन्यवाद सहित
entry is free,free lodging bording all the astrologers,
सोमवार, 10 मार्च 2008
Maan Bagulamukgi Yantar

Manb Bagulamukhi Yantar vah amogh yantar hai jo har parkar ke shatuon par vijay dilwata hai.Maan Bagula mukhi ki sadhanaek vishesh mahutar ,vishesh nakshatar men piile vastar pahan kar piile aasan par beth kar,halsi ki mala seour piile phoolon se ki jatee hai. yah yantar bhoj patar par haldi ko dhature ke ras men tayaar kiya jata hai.ese sone,goldpolishmetal ,cupertaanbe par bhii puree nishtha ke sath vidhii purvak taiyaar kya jata hai.
Sidh Bagulamukhi Yantar vah Amogh Yantar hai jiske darshan matar se hi doshmano par jeet ,jhagdoo men vijay,mukdmen men jeet ,shabhee parkar ke compititions men jeet prapat hotee hai .Man Bagulamukhi Yantarvah shakti hai lismen mahan aakarshan,virodhiyon ki vanni par taala lagana,aadi shaktiyan rakhatee hai .Maan Bagulamukhee men satambhan hai jo virodhion ki sabhee chesthaon ko rok detee hai Maan Bagulamukhi sv satanbhan ki satithee paida kar aapni sabhee cheshthaon ko bhee niyantreet kar unheyn aapni eechchaa se sanchalit karne ki shaktee,adbhut kshamta detee hai
Puran vidhee se sudhkiya Maan Bagulamukhi Yantar prapt karne ke liye
Send 501/rs.
Postage free
Jotshi Padam Kumar
5235 malvia nagar st no 1
nai basti,BHATINDA 151001 INDIA
MOB. 098150-75493
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